Sunday, January 18, 2009

Gertrude and Alice

Gertrude and Alice - a couple for 35 years spanning two world wars and with a sex life that was robust throughout their lives. The mere fact of sustaining love in a world that wasn't much public about women and their love impresses me no end. I went to the address of the apartment they shared when I was in Paris last year. And then to the Luxembourg Gardens where Gertrude took Alice on their first date. I viewed their resting place at Père-Lachaise cemetery.

People crack a lot of jokes about the 'odd couple' Gertrude-the-Mouth and Alice who-never-said-peep. But I've read a really excellent biography of their lives together and find that primarily they just seemed very happy to be in one another's company.

The biography is by Diana Souhami and is called, "Gertrude and Alice".

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